Mental Playbook

The Mental Playbook is a guided reflective journal tailored specifically for athletes like you who seek to harness the power of self-awareness to unlock your full potential. This journal is your personal companion on the journey to not only improve your physical strength but also to master the mental and emotional aspects of your sport.

In sports, we often hear about the importance of training this body, but what about the mind? The Mental Playbook is here to address that vital component. Through introspection, self-assessment, and mindful exploration this journal empowers you to strengthen your mental resilience, enhance your focus, and foster a deeper connection between your mind and performance.

This journal invites you to reflect on your performance, examine your goals, confront your fears, and celebrate your victories.

  • Self-Reflection

    Athletes can use journaling to reflect on their performances, both in training and competition. This allows them to analyze what went well and what needs improvement, fostering self-awareness.

  • Visualization

    Athletes often use journaling to visualize success. By vividly describing their desired outcomes, they can reinforce their mental preparation and confidence.

  • Goal Setting

    Journaling provides a structured way to set and track goals. Athletes can outline performance goals and regularly review their progress, helping them stay focused and motivated.

  • Journaling Patterns

    Through journaling, athletes can identify recurring patterns or habits that may be hindering their performance. This awareness enables them to make necessary adjustments.

  • Mental Toughness

    Journaling can improve mental toughness by encouraging athletes to analyze setbacks, learn from them and develop resilience.

  • Emotional Regulation

    Journaling helps athletes process their emotions, reducing stress and anxiety. By writing about feelings/reactions to situations can help develop emotional intelligence and manage emotions better.


After each game, fill out your reflection log as soon as you can so that the moments are fresh in your mind. After every 5 games, you will answer a few questions based on the patterns you have found so far.

Athletes can utilize 1 on 1 trainings where we will dissect their log to work on improving their mental inconsistencies in a 1 on 1 setting.

  • “My attitude is that if you push me towards a weakness, I will turn that weakness into a strength.”

    - Michael Jordan


By noticing different patterns in her mental performance, we began improving mental struggles. From here, finding the consistency to remain in this space is important. This is a text message from her coach after their last travel tournament.


  • This journal is priced at $20 (+ S&H)

  • No . . . unless you want to. You can couple this reflective journal with 1 on 1 training sessions, which will be an additional price.

  • Any and every sport!

  • It depends on a lot of factors. . . if your skill level matches the demands of your competition. How consistent you are with reflecting. How determined you are to continue to grow mentally. How much time/effort you put into learning techniques to improve the areas you struggle with. So that’s a tricky question to answer, but it will definitely help you grow mentally!

  • If you have a question that wasn’t answered or you need more clarification on an existing question, contact